The brain and passion behind Passion4Wholeness
Hannele Steyn founder and CEO is the brain and passion behind the brand
(BSc Microbiology Genetics Diploma in Nutrition Marketing Diploma Triathlon Coaching Diploma)
The Passion 4 Wholeness range was inspired by Hannele’s absolute believe that wellness comes from within and wellbeing is built on good nutrition fitness This together with her passion for sport and especially endurance sport motivated her to develop products she can train and race on Products that will sustain her and that are nutritious and not just empty calories The objective is to have products that are morish and tasty, so that anybody in a family would love to have it as breakfast or a quick nutritious meal when you are on the run And so Passion 4 Wholeness was born, where every ingredient has a reason!
As an ultra distance mountain biker, Hannele’s products are her fuel and has proven to sustain her during not only her gruelling training regime, but also during endurance events She was a professional athlete who won the Triathlon World Championships in 1994 earned her Springbok colours in Biathlon, Duathlon, Triathlon and Mountain Biking She is one of the 4 people in the world who has completed all the Cape Epic Mountain bike events to date, they are known as the Last Lions, and Hannele, being the only woman is proudly the Last Lioness.
As an ultra distance mountain biker, Hannele’s products are her fuel and has proven to sustain her during not only her gruelling training regime, but also during endurance events She was a professional athlete who won the Triathlon World Championships in 1994 earned her Springbok colours in Biathlon, Duathlon, Triathlon and Mountain Biking She is one of the 4 people in the world who has completed all the Cape Epic Mountain bike events to date, they are known as the Last Lions, and Hannele, being the only woman is proudly the Last Lioness.
Please contact Hannele for your lifestyle and nutrition talks and your nutrition and training programs